Tearing Down Strongholds

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Tearing Down Strongholds

Contemporary culture stands opposed to the Word of God. Whether it be Social Justice movement, the LGBTQ+ movement, or the role of the government in relation to the Church, believers need to be prepared to recognize and answer dangerous teachings that have made inroads into the Church. In this series, Pastor Brady seeks to equip the Church for just that purpose and to defend the true Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

September 12, 2021

The Bible vs. Feminism (Pt. 2)

Pastor: Brady Ragsdale Series: Tearing Down Strongholds Topic: Tearing Down Strongholds Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:9–15

September 5, 2021

The Bible vs. Feminism

Pastor: Brady Ragsdale Series: Tearing Down Strongholds Topic: Tearing Down Strongholds Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:9–15

August 22, 2021

The Bible Vs. the Sexual Revolution

Pastor: Series: Tearing Down Strongholds Topic: Biblical Morality Scripture: Romans 1:18–32

July 25, 2021

Tearing Down Strongholds: Confronting Culture with the Word of God

Pastor: Series: Tearing Down Strongholds Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10:1–6